Efforts applauded by the City of Montreal
1 min.
At a time when the City of Montreal is making great efforts to improve its downtown area and is implementing various initiatives to reduce the impact of construction sites on the mobility, accessibility and attractiveness of the downtown area, JCB Construction Canada and its partner Upbrella are very proud to have received recognition from the City of Montreal for its own efforts. Indeed, the municipal authorities support the initiatives of our respective companies to develop innovative solutions aimed at reducing the impact of construction works on the daily lives of citizens.
In fact, the City of Montreal, like many other major cities, recognizes that road closures, obstructed sidewalks and their disruption due to construction can have a significant impact on the quality of life of residents and the flow of traffic. The City of Montreal's Economic Development Department would therefore like to applaud the technology used in one of our downtown Montreal projects that minimizes disruption to the public.
This letter of support confirms the positive impact of our practical urban construction management solutions and encourages us to continue in this direction.